UGC Anagha

Four weeks


Figma, Wix


UX Researcher, UI Designer


Individual Contract Work



UGC Anagha is a social media brand owned by content creator and influencer Anagha Ahire. She performs contracting work for brands that seek help creating ads for their product or service. From health and wellness to beauty and fashion, Anagha strives to create both product photography and videos that drive audience engagement and sales.

The Problem

As an established brand, UGC Anagha succeeds in growing her numbers when it comes to social media presense and getting brand awareness, but lacks a proper website to showcase her portfolio in. Her current canva website contains a free flow of her work, pricing, and about me all in one page, causing the user to scroll up and down in search of the content they are seeking to consume. She is looking to rebrand and revamp her website to better suit her developing style as a content creator and create a more user friendly UI for brands to easily find what they are looking for, thereby generating more sales. 

Their wish: A website that showcases her best work and established brand identity to better pitch to brands that need assistance in creating ads for their products and services. 

Her old website

Market Research

Main Insight Essentials:
  • Clear and Comprehensive
  • Pricing customization
  • Trust and Credibility

User Interviews

Main Insights
  • Personalized experiences
  • Price Transparency
  • Organized and Easy to Navigate


The User Persona

The Problem Statement

Sarah Miller, a busy marketing manager at a beauty products company, struggles to efficiently discover and evaluate content creators for her brand's marketing campaigns. She faces challenges in finding creators who align with her brand's aesthetic and values, as well as difficulties in navigating through numerous portfolios and websites to gather necessary information. The lack of clear presentation of creators' styles, previous work, and pricing/packages further complicates her decision-making process. As a result, Sarah wastes valuable time and resources in the search for reliable collaborators who can produce high-quality visuals that resonate with her target audience.


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Low-Fi Wireframes


Feature Ideation List

User Flow